


Letter #2 (to Ward)
Sunday 6-10-01 

Hi Ward -  How's it going over there?  I will warn you I'm not in the best space to write -- I'm hot & tired & hungry -- so don't let my lack of perkiness throw you off.  So far everything has been great, & what wasn't so great has been expected. :)

The Peace Corps has done a great job of getting us to this point.  Each day has been structured to get us ready for the next day, all with the goal of getting us to our homestay families.  We've learned a bit about health, a bit about language, a bit about the Peace Corps, a lot about cultural differences, & a lot about our new projects. 

We've stayed these past three days at a retreat center run by nuns.  It has showers & toilets -- nothing impressive, but not too bad.  The food has been just fine.  The worst part has been the HEAT.  It's just damn hot & humid.  I've considered shaving my head at least twice a day.  And it's worse because you're supposed to keep your legs covered since this is a "work environment."  I hope I get used to it.  The sleeping hasn't been bad -- it cools down beautifully after the sun goes down. :)

(Later -- I've had dinner & a shower & am feeling much perkier!)   :)

We had our French language placement tests today.  Lots of people were nervous & had "stage fright" (even tho the interviews were one-on-one).  I was fine & did my best, although it is clear I haven't spoken French in six weeks.  The language classes will be 3-4 students with one instructor.  The instructor will also be our cross-cultural support.  We'll get to do fun things like go to the market & take public busses; just to be sure we're self-sufficient after training, before we move to our villages.  The language/cross-cultural stuff is 20 hours per week.  Our other 20 hours of training will be "technical."  We just saw the agenda today.  I'll be learning how to build a latrine, build a "gray water soak pit" (no idea what that is!), and other fun stuff.  Plus, we'll learn how to do a needs assessment for our villages, who to talk to, how to write a grant, and the like. 

The two Peace Corps Volunteers who are assisting w/training this week have done some awesome projects, especially around women's co-ops & girls' education.  I'm psyched about the possibilities!  Hard to tell yet where I went wrong in my packing.  I will need more bug spray for sure - the kind that doesn't smell terrible, please! 

Oh -- this is a good time to mention mail.  The US Post Office will try to tell you that "air mail" will arrive in 3-5 days and "ground" is 10-12 days.  HA! The seasoned volunteers tell us "ground" = 6-12 MONTHS & "air" = 3-4 WEEKS.  So please, if you're mailing me a letter or package, write "PAR AVION" all over it & have the Post Office send it airmail!!  I so appreciate your prayers & love.  They say we will get depressed around week 2 or 3 - after the honeymoon stage, so I will need lots of support then!

Love from the hottest place on earth,