July 2001 Pics



HIV/AIDS Prevention (#1-4):  My small group preparing to give a talk on AIDS to a group of young women ages 15-20.  Yes, we really did demo how to put on a condom using a cucumber!  =)


Building a Walkway through the Dump (#5-10):   Aaron, the "Americain Noire" has to walk through the dump to get to his house.  We built the path and put up signs to leave that area trash-free.  The little boy in the blue & red shirt is my brother, Yann.

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My "Homestay" House in Alepe (#11-15):   Note the lace curtains in the doorway which are supposed to act like screens.  Also, live ficus trees in the front yard.  The rusty gate (with Yann) cracks me up - we open & close the gate each time, rather than simply climbing through the gate with the massive hole!  I also took a shot of the cocoa tree across the street - so tropical here!!!  The house across the street (light blue rusty gate) is where my friend Megan lives.

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Goodbye to Volunteers (#16-18):   Many of the Americans hanging out saying goodbye to Scott (blond, light blue shire) and Sky (long brown hair, black tank top).

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Alepe (#19-22):   Pictures of the city of Alepe where we live.  Catholic Church/large meeting room; the paved road; Megan standing in front of typical jungle vegetation - another dump is behind what you can see; The goats feeding down the street from my house.

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BUGS! (#23):   The BIGGEST bus I've ever seen (plus my foot for scale).  I think they're called Scarabies.  I hardly ever see them alive, but each morning they litter the streets.  Icky!!!

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Neighbors (#24-25):   The beautiful kids next door who saw I had my camera out.  =)

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